Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ok, so here's the thing: introducing Gerhard Richter and doing abstract paintings about color mixing using scrapers is easy. It fits into the elementary curriculum, and uses a contemporary artist as an example. Also, Wolf Kahn. Landscapes with alternative colors. Almost Fauve-ish. I use sculptors like Mark di Suvero and Richard Serra in a "monumental sculptures" lesson at 5th grade. I like to add Janet Fish for still lifes and Anselm Kiefer for using texture under paintings.
But what about Michele Oka Doner? Check her art out at: Her sculptures are very intriguing, but how do you use her in elementary school?
How do you use Tara Donovan?
Also, German conceptual artist Mario Reis. It would be fun to try to replicate his work in a nearby stream in a unit combining science and ecology. maybe I'll think about that one.

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