Monday, October 5, 2009

critiquing with 5th graders

Friday I have two fifth grade classes in a row. Last Friday most of them were finishing up the name composition that we began the first week of school. To set the stage for you: The goals of the lesson are for them to use a line to write their name on (straight, curved, diagonal, etc) then write their name (print, cursive, block or bubble letters), use shapes and colors for repetition and movement, then add variety to show interest. The procedure when they are finished is to post their work on the board, then step back 10 feet and conference with me about their results. I LOVE THIS PART!!!! First of all we are looking for neatness--good craftsmanship. We look to see the pathway the viewer's eye will take to see if there's movement around the page. Were they successful in using repeptition? Was interest added? Is their name still the focal point? Is this a successful pice of artwork? Leading the mini-conference with inquiry questions, I can draw them out to come to their own conclusions about their work. That's when I know that I am developing intuitive THINKERS! After 6 weeks on this project, when they choose to go back in and revise something, I know that they are responding independently to the artistic process, rather than being told that I think they should fix some part. Love that.

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